Roller-shutter controller
The first device I needed to make for my smart garage project was a roller-shutter controller. Yes, you can buy them. But where’s the fun in that? I have already replaced the (crap) controller installed by the landlord with something a bit meatier: a Neco Rollermatic. This has three switched inputs for external buttons. Connect the ‘up’, ‘down’ or ‘stop’ terminals to ground to trigger … Continue reading Roller-shutter controller

Smart garage
I’ve decided to make my garage/oversized shed, smart. Getting in is a pain as I have to get out of the car to turn off the alarm, so I can’t just drive in. The way the unit was set up, the alarm goes off every time you open the roller shutter. Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to hit a single button on my … Continue reading Smart garage

Rewiring the Z3: Stop blowing stuff up
In this video I highlight the three critical questions I need to answer/problems I need to solve with the rewiring project. Continue reading Rewiring the Z3: Stop blowing stuff up

DVLA Success: Registering your DIY EV
The DVLA has accepted my bid to re-register the Z3 as an electric vehicle. Hoorah! Continue reading DVLA Success: Registering your DIY EV

DIY EV Chat Episode 1: Jamie Jones & the Bugplug
People always ask me the same questions about the DIY EV project. So I figured I would gather answers from other people who have built their own EVs. Continue reading DIY EV Chat Episode 1: Jamie Jones & the Bugplug

Building a new battery box

The Plan: All the coming upgrades to the Z300 EV

Upgrading a Clarke 151 EN welder with a Euro torch & gas solenoid
Just as I was starting the first of my EV projects, I was lucky enough to come across a welder in a skip. Story was that the garage it had belonged to couldn’t get insurance any more to weld on site. So they just dumped it. It wasn’t in amazing shape, but it worked. Well enough that we did the whole first pass of the … Continue reading Upgrading a Clarke 151 EN welder with a Euro torch & gas solenoid

BugPlug: Tuning Trip in the Electric Beetle
I’ve been focusing on getting the YouTube channel that accompanies this site up and running. My aim is to try and get a video out every two weeks. In this episode, I head over the Pennines to see Jamie’s electric Beetle, the BugPlug. Jamie’s running much the same hardware as me, just with a different battery pack: that from a Golf GTE. He’s getting better … Continue reading BugPlug: Tuning Trip in the Electric Beetle

Introduction to the EV – video
Finally got around to editing together some video and stills into an introduction to the EV. Love to know what you think and whether you would like to see more? Continue reading Introduction to the EV – video